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Halloween Dangers for the Curious Dog

Admin • Sep 29, 2020
Dog with Halloween Pumpkins — Seattle, WA — South Seattle Veterinary Hospital

Owning a curious dog comes with its adventures, especially if the dog loves to get into anything they get their paws on. Around the Halloween season, dogs have a lot of new things to find and discover around the home. Unfortunately, the holiday presents a lot of dangers for dogs.

Learn how to avoid specific Halloween dangers and the steps to take if the curious dog gets a little too curious snooping through Halloween decorations, foods, and candy.

Halloween Pumpkins

Whether with a whole pumpkin or a carved jack-o'-lantern, a dog may show a lot of interest in the Halloween pumpkin. The pumpkin itself, including the innards and seeds, are typically safe for a dog to consume. The one element to worry about is the stem.

The hard stem does not break down well, and the dog may consider the size and texture an ideal chew toy. Unfortunately, if the stem breaks off a pumpkin, it can become a major choking hazard for the dog. The stem could lodge into the throat or move down into the stomach.

If a dog does swallow the pumpkin stem, you should take the animal to a vet right away. The stem could block the airflow and create breathing problems for the animal. The distress could also cause the dog to panic. A vet will perform x-rays and figure out the best method for retrieval.

Halloween Candles

Often associated with pumpkins are candles. Small wax candles often go inside pumpkins to make them come alive and glow. Unfortunately, candles can present multiple dangers for dogs. The open flames can cause burns to the animals. If a dog burns their skin or fur, treatment is necessary to help heal the skin and prevent infections.

A simple burn can turn a lot worse from a dog, especially if they chew or claw at the burn marks. Vets can provide ointments to help heal the wounds. As an alternative, consider using small LED lights for the pumpkins instead. Display the pumpkins in a higher area the dog cannot reach or an area a dog does not have access to.

Another danger comes from the candle itself. If a dog consumes candle wax, the wax itself may not be toxic, but the wax could cause blockage issues for the dog. If a dog eats part of a candle, monitor the animal for a couple of days to track the bowel movements. If the dog is sleepier than normal or displays odd behaviors, book a vet appointment.

Glow Sticks

Similar to candles, glow sticks are often used on Halloween. Dogs may see the glow stick as a chew toy and easily break through the plastic. The chemical inside of glow sticks is known as dibutyl phthalate, and the reaction in dogs depends on several factors.

If a dog is smaller in size or in its puppy years, then the chemicals could have a stronger effect, especially on organs like the kidney and liver. After ingestion, you should monitor your dog for any problems or changes in behavior. A follow-up appointment with a vet may be necessary to check blood levels and other signs of problems.

Along with the materials inside the glow stick, a dog could harm itself if it chews and swallows the plastic casing. Plastic can lodge in throats and cause major blockages in the stomach. Unlike the glow stick chemical where you can wait and see, you should contact a vet right away if your dog swallows large pieces of plastic.

Halloween Candy

At Halloween, the amount of candy in the home often increases. One of the biggest dangers to a dog is chocolate, especially dark chocolate. If your dog finds their way into the Halloween candy bowl, then you should contact the vet right away. With chocolate, you don't want the food to go through the whole system and cause more problems.

A vet has ways to help a dog throw up and get the chocolate out of the system before any major problems occur.

Dog Costumes

Dressing up pets for Halloween has become a huge tradition with all kinds of costume designs to choose from. When you dress your dog up for the holiday, be aware of two dangers. The first is the costume size. If a Halloween costume is too tight, you do not want the costume to restrict the breathing of the dog. Check the sizing around the neck and chest area. 

You should also check around the legs to ensure the costume doesn't impact the way a dog walks. Along with the costume size, look for any smaller elements on the costume. A dog may see the design as a chew toy. Large bottoms, plastic fasteners, and small accessories can easily get swallowed by a playful dog. 

When the dog is in costume, monitor movements and keep the dog within sight. If the dog does swallow part of the costume, an emergency vet visit is recommended.

Contact our emergency department at South Seattle Veterinary Hospital for all of your pet emergency needs. Our caring staff will treat your dog with care and help guide them back to health.

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